Hello Beautiful!

I'm so happy you came all the way to this little corner of the world, thank you!

If you want to book a session, ask about prices, fine art, or just send over some positive vibes, this is the place! I’m excited to find out more about you and your story, please use the contact sheet below, I can’t wait to hear back from you.



I work as a visual storyteller, photographer, stylist and creative consultant for both small and big businesses, as well as families.


Business - contact me and I will provide you with a quote 

Mentoring session - starting from 2750kr / EUR 250

Wedding - staring from 20 000kr / EUR 1 800

Family - starting from 5 500kr / EUR 500


For work enquiries please contact me below or send me an email to poppy@poppyphotography.se

Contact info

Malin Poppy Darcy Mörner


Mariefred - Stockholm - Sweden 

Telephone: +46 703 96 18 53

Available Locally + Worldwide

Q U E S T I O N S  &  A N S W E R S

Who is your client?

I know most of my clients that book me share the same vibes in colors, emotions and stories. I want to create powerful photos for you, photos that will make you smile, love and long back to beautiful memories. 

What type of camera do you use?

I get this question all the time on social media. 

I have two Nikon Z8 + Nikon 58mm 1,4, (it's my favourite lens), Nikon 24-70mm 2,8, Nikon 35mm 1,4, Nikon 85mm 1,4 etc.

For travel and lifestyle I usually shoot and film with my Nikon D7, for Social Media I often use my Iphone 13 Pro Max

Do you offer mentoring sessions?

Yes I do, I love to inspire photographers and creatives. I usually run one-to-one classes on how to start learning your camera and get the best out of it. People often want to know how I edit and photograph, and how to grow their instagram and work as an influencers. I am up for ideas especially if my schedule isn't too full. Send me a message and we can figure something out. 

Do you travel for work?

Yes, for work and pleasure, and if I can combine that it's extra sweet for me!

You said you like coffee, can you please get a little bit more specific?

I never thought you would ask : ) I prefer to have my morning coffee strong with some milk, it awakes my senses. After I have taken the kids to school I usually go home and make a real latte, put on some music and get things done. I usually don't drink coffee in the afternoon, because then I can't fall to sleep at night. The only exception actually is if I'm working really late at a wedding and I have to drive home in the night, then I might drink a cup of coffee before I leave the party. 

I found your page via Instagram, do you have an tips on how to grow your numbers there?

Oh I really love the Instagram community, there are so much beauty to be found there, and all the stories. I started my gallery many years ago and it has been growing ever since, currently I have around 80k followers and they are all amazing! Thank you if you follow!  I think the most important thing if you want to grow your numbers there is to stay true to who you are. It can only be a long term winner if you show your tribe what you love and cherish in this world. So find your fire and make magic of it, stay true to your edit, make sure that your next photo will match with the 8 photos before this, because the viewer is only watching your last 9 pictures, and if they like it they might scroll further! Start to follow people that inspire you and let them know that you are there, follow their journey and stay positive. You need an interesting picture but you also have to tell the reader about something, it could be anything really, from what your loving at the moment, where you're going next week, a phase that has been challenging or whatever you want to write about. You just have to get out there and enjoy it, and be inspired by all the amazing people out there! 

If you’re curious to see what I’m doing this very day, follow my Instagram!